August 2023 saw the publication of my fourth large collection of speculative verse, What the Night Brings. The tome includes yet another 72-title sonnet sequence (this time 103 sonnets, some being sections of a short sonnet sequence themselves); a long narrative poem, The Kimi Xibalba ("Place of Fear and Death" in Mayan), a purported voyage of discovery and horror made by Pre-Olmec voyagers; more poetry in many and various other forms than the sonnet; a section "The Ghosts of the Fox Valley" (the river valley area along which the poet currently resides; some "Political Poems" [WARNING: This section kills fascists!]; a section of Science Fiction Poetry; and a final part containing some ekphrastic verses, light verses, metapoetry, and some "traditional" poems. The book, as with the previous three large collections, concludes with a "Glossary of Forms," defining the many exotic, cross-cultural, ancient-modern, and invented forms used therein.
4th Speculative Poetry Collection Published!
Updated: Oct 8, 2023